Travels with Paddles

a sea kayaking journal

Axel Schoevers (Photo: A. de Krook) Name:
Axel Schoevers
Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Loreto Islands Challenge

Earlier this year I was in Antarctica. It is not often that one comes along unique 'organized expeditions' in very remote areas and with itineraries that require above average paddling ability and experience.

End of October, Ginni Callahan of Sea Kayak Baja Mexico is guiding a 20-day paddling challenge that combines all the islands of the Loreto National Marine Park, including the remote islands of Montserrat and Santa Catalina.

The remote islands of the Loreto National Marine Park are unique, scientifically significant, absolutely beautiful, and require special permits to visit. Very few people ever get to go, and no other kayak outfitter has ever brought a group to the most remote island, Santa Catalina. Ginni has been there before and is now organizing it for a group of skilled paddlers.

Because of the remoteness and the paddling distances for the crossings, the required paddling ability is BCU 4* Sea or equivalent or better.

This is another of those rare opportunities for skilled paddlers to join such a special trip. And Baja gives you an extra month of Summer.

For more information : Loreto Islands Challenge

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