Travels with Paddles

a sea kayaking journal

Axel Schoevers (Photo: A. de Krook) Name:
Axel Schoevers
Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Monday, October 24, 2016

Myrtle Island

My last day at the symposium we paddled to Little Tybee island and through a complex maze of channels around Myrtle Island. We saw dolphins and some gentle surf. I had some great runs surfing backwards. Thank you Tom for guiding us through the beautiful salt-water reed-sided sloughs. A wonderful warm and sunny Georgia October day.

Thank you Marsha and Ronnie of Sea Kayak Georgia for inviting me over again and running the symposium despite all the uncertainties after Hurricane Matthew, and for using Marsha's personal Romany; a coaches' dream sea kayak. Thank you Marc and Regan for taking all that good care of us.

And yes, those new 'tricks' I mentioned earlier... Upcoming...


mavave said...
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mavave said...

Niet door dit fotoalbum, maar weinig jeugdige deelnemers bij het Amerikaanse symposium zo lijkt het. Is er daarin een verschil te zien tussen de landen waarin jij komt?