Travels with Paddles

a sea kayaking journal

Axel Schoevers (Photo: A. de Krook) Name:
Axel Schoevers
Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Costa Smeralda

The last two days Claudio took the group to the Costa Smeralda. Beautiful turqoise waters. Very comfortable swimming (and rolling) water temperatures. I had a great time coaching-on-the-go and rarely felt the need to act as a ‘police officer’ for group control. Everybody enjoyed his bit of sea and not always in the same direction.

Today I was pleasantly surprised that on this last day the group stayed closer together and had a lot of fun playing. Many switched kayaks to experience different kayak designs and materials. For a few this week was their first time ever in a sea kayak.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Golfo 'd Arzachena

Three days of paddling in the Golfo 'd Arzachena. Today we crossed the bay and towards and into the Lagoon. This time, with the group, on the east side of the bay with a nice maze of channels and lunch on the sand spit in front of it. Very scenic!

Tomorrow is a 'day off', that is, moving the kayaks and gear to the Costa Smeralda for two days of paddling there.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Baia Sardegna

I just arrived in Sardinia for a week of coaching and guiding with Sardinia Discovery. My base for the week is Isuledda near Cannigione in the northeast. I left the Netherlands in not so good changeable weather and arrived in high Summer temperatures. So yesterday afternoon was a bit of acclimatizing and today was all about preparing and a paddle to the lagoon at the south end of the bay at Cannigione.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Supporting 2kayak4batten

Fenna, Feike & Willem start their 5.500 km, 7 months "2kayak4batten" cause from the Amsterdam, Netherlands to Pesaro, Italy on 27 August, in support of Batten Disease research.

When I came to know them I was struck by their enthousiasm and determination on preparing themselves the best they can, while remaining very modest and realistic.

They now made the final five nominations of the Hobkey Adventure Grant. While they are not shouting that off the rooftops themselves, I thought I give it a bit of extra attention here.

Voting is open until July 8th. If you think their cause deserves more support, spread the word and please vote for them here NOW !