Travels with Paddles

a sea kayaking journal

Axel Schoevers (Photo: A. de Krook) Name:
Axel Schoevers
Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Date, Time & Hemispheres

26 hours on three airplanes and 12 hours of airport waiting time. Add to that crossing of about 15 time zones and the 'black-hole' date-line. I know where I am (Tasmania), but it might take a 'day' or two to know exactly when I am.

I flew via Los Angeles, because after this I have a trip in Baja Mexico and it seemed a good idea to combine the two trips to reduce overall traveling time and hassle. At LAX I met-up with Ginni Callahan for the flight to Sydney and then to Hobart.

Ginni and I are in Tasmania on the invitation of Geoff & Lyn Murray. For a month we will be visiting the sea kayak clubs of Hobart, Melbourne and Sydney. For me it is the first time in the Southern Hemisphere.

P.S. This time I am not traveling with my paddles. Packing for multiple climates and keeping to a 23 kg (key) weight limit I had to be very selective. And then that old song got stuck with me for the past three days.

There's a guy with a ticket to Mexico
No, he couldn't look much stranger
Walking in the hall with his things and all
Smiling, said he was the Lone Ranger

Coming into Los Angeles
Bringing in a couple of keys
Don't touch my bags if you please
Mister Customs Man

(Coming into Los Angeles - Arlo Guthrie)