Travels with Paddles

a sea kayaking journal

Axel Schoevers (Photo: A. de Krook) Name:
Axel Schoevers
Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Inspired Aspirant

I am just back (again) in Anglesey. Last weekend I was at Glenmore Lodge, up in Scotland attending the bi-annual BCU Coach Level 5 Confererence. Lots of Level 5 coaches and some aspirants, like me, made their way into the Scottish mountains. Some news on the BCU UKCC (United Kingdom Coaching Certificate), that will supersede the BCU Coaching certificates; I won't be bothering you with that! A lecture on 'Feedback' had me sitting at the tip of my chair. I was at the bounderies of my knowledge of the English language. I understood the words, the sentences and even the speaker's Mancunian accent. But there was an underlying layer of satire and comedy that recquired close attention; very funy indeed. Other lectures and workshops that I attended included 'Interference Effects' and 'Skills Acquisition'. Monday would be sea kayaking, but with forecasts of force elevens that was changed to a morning session on forward paddling. Being coached by the British National Team sprint racing coach is not an everyday opportunity!
I had a very long drive back via Oban, to pick-up Nico, my business partner. Maybe we can do some paddling over the weekend.

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